Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Nutritional peripheral neuropathies, with Dr. Alexander Rossor

The cause of a nutritional neuropathy may not always be obvious when first examining a patient. Restrictive diets with roots in religious practices or personal preferences will be less familiar to neurologists than issues involving bariatric surgery or diseases of malabsorption, and can present as being not overtly malnourished. A recent review in JNNP details links between B-vitamin deficiencies and peripheral neuropathy, and discusses historical trends in the occurrence of nutritional neuropathies. The review's last author, Dr. Alexander Rossor (1), joins host Dr. Saima Chaudhry (2) to talk through how to approach this diagnosis.


Read the paper here: "Nutritional peripheral neuropathies"


(1) UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, UK
(2) Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA

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