Friday Sep 22, 2023
Nitrous Oxide Abuse
With the UK government announcing plans to make recreational use of nitrous oxide illegal, JNNP podcast host Dr. Saima Chaudhry (1) is joined by London-based neurologist Dr. Alastair Noyce (2)(3) to examine the findings of his group's recently published research paper, "Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy: a case series". Read the paper here: https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/94/9/681
Related links:
(1) Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
(2) Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
(3) Preventive Neurology Unit, Centre for Prevention, Diagnosis and Detection, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, Wolfson Institute of Population Health, London, UK
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