Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Mortality and morbidity 15 years after hospital admission with mild head injury
Head injury is very common, and we know those admitted to hospital with a severe head injury have a high mortality rate in the proceeding year. However less is known about later mortality, and even less about late survival after mild head injury, which accounts for 95% of all head injuries.
Tom McMillan, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, MVLS, University of Glasgow, and colleagues, have followed up patients 15 years after admission with a mild head injury, and recently published the results in JNNP.
In this podcast, Alan Carson, JNNP associate editor, asks him what they found.
Read the full paper:
Mortality and morbidity 15 years after hospital admission with mild head injury: a prospective case-controlled population study http://goo.gl/9aTU4Z