Monday Feb 18, 2013
BNPA 2013: The impact of epilepsy on cognitive function
Cognitive impairment in those with epilepsy is common. Adam Zeman, professor of cognitive and behavioural neurology, University of Exeter, ask Christoph Helmstaedter, associate professor for clinical neuropsychology, the University Clinic of Epileptology in Bonn, about the association, including the effects antiepileptic drugs can have on cognition.
Further resources:
Helmstaedter C, Witt JA. Clinical neuropsychology in epilepsy: theoretical and practical issues. Handb Clin Neurol. 2012;107:437-59.
Neuropsychology in the Care of People with Epilepsy, in the Progress in Epileptic Disorders Series. John Libbey, 2011.
Christoph Helmstaedter spoke on this topic at the British NeuroPsychiatry Association’s 2013 AGM. For more information on the association and next year’s meeting, see bnpa.org.uk.