Thursday Jun 30, 2016
Automated brain volumetrics in multiple sclerosis, plus migraine and psychiatric co-morbidities
In this July podcasts, Associate Professor Michael Barnett explains the details of his short report comparing Structural Image Evaluation using Normalisation of Atrophy-Cross Sectional (SIENAX) to Neuroquant and MSmetrix for assessment of cross-sectional Whole Brain Volume (WBV) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Michael Barnett, from the Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Centre at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, discusses with Elizabeth Highton the potential clinical utility of automated brain volumetrics as a disease monitoring tool in routine clinical practice. The paper, which was selected as Editor's choice for the July issue of JNNP, is available here: http://jnnp.bmj.com/content/87/7/754.full. The second half of this podcast is about migraine and its psychiatric co-morbidities. Dr Mia. Minen, Director of the Headache Centre at the New York Langone Medical Centre, discusses migraine, a common concern for patients, and the high prevalence of psychiatric co-morbidities associated with migraine. Other topics of this conversation include which psychiatric disorders are associated with migraine, whether a bi-directional relationship exists between migraine and psychiatric co-morbidities and does this ultimately have implication for patient treatment.
Read the full Patient choice paper here: http://jnnp.bmj.com/content/87/7/741.full.